August 1, 2014

Decisions because of the last 2 training tosses

Since the start of the year Röhnfried is an Official Sponsor of the Derby Cordoba.
In the following, the pigeons receive the following additives in the food and potions:

In the feed:
2 days Pavifac (brewer's yeast)
2 days Avimycin (airways)
2 days Entrobac (intestinal flora)
1 days Moor Gold & Topfit (Moor and Vitaminral powder)
The mixtures were made ​​alternating olive oil and Gervit-W (Vit C..)

In the water:
3 days Avidress Plus (prevents the transfer of germs by water)
3 days Avistetin (prevents the transmission of bacteria of the water and also in the gut)
1 days Blitzform (mineral supplement iodine)
  • Except for the basketing there is pure water and electrolytes after the flight.

All products are based on natural ingredients.

Before we start with the training, we treatment all pigeons in the loft 6 days with Gambakokzid-Ro (Trichomonas).

The pigeons must fly in the morning an hour. Mostly they flew much longer, all signs of good health.

At 18:00 clock today we received the result of our veterinarian. In all cultures created nothing was found. Because all pigeons were vaccinated, they formed antibody, which is very positive and normal.

Everything that happens on the last 2 tosses is not due to the health of the pigeons.

The article by Carlos Marques.

"The bad in the head on the first tosses

Some fanciers have lost on the first training tosses many pigeons. They have not taken the problem seriously enough. If pigeons are basket, especially cocks, they peck each other in the basket. This results in injuries to the eye and head. It is known that many diseases starts with the eye. Well, this seems to be normal. Motivated by the hack attacks, they give bacteria that prevents the orientation of the pigeons. This is the cause of large losses, particularly in fast winds. 
From my experience, it is now useful now to start a course of treatment.
LINCO SPECTIN treatment: 
  • Injection: 0.20 milliliters per pigeon
  • In the water: 5 days.
In addition you can give RONIDAZOLE for a cure.
Once the treatment is completed after 5 days, you can continue to proceed with the training. 
This is a guarantee that the orientation is improved significantly, which previously represented the main cause of the failure of the training."

After we have read this article carefully, we do not know exactly what kind of bacteria hinders the orientation. Carlos Marques talks about his experiences.

Does that mean for us that we continue as before? No!

The participant Werner Waldow of Team Germany wrote us an e-mail with a good tip. To start train the pigeons over a short distance between 5-10 km, so the pigeons reduce stress and regain their trust. We think this can be very successful, thanks to Werner Waldow for his cooperation and interest in the pigeons.

After the analysis, where we checked every option, we have made the following decisions:

  • To make a treatment how Carlos Marques wrote it in his article.
  • Apply the proposal by Werner Waldow, the pigeons are trained over a short distance 5-10 km after the treatment, so that the pigeons come back easily into the race.
  • Change in the race plan. This weekend we are going to change the race plan and adapt it to current circumstances.

We hope you understand our decisions.

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