December 2, 2015

The Derby and the Life continue...

In truth the honor I must say that the days are harder than newly deceased, because every day and in every thing I do, I see that already he's not, nor he will be more. But in your honor, I will follow and we go to have against thick and thin in 2016 the best edition of all, this is sure, already that he will help us in this day to day, from where you are.
He was a great lover of the derby, so to despite suffering from cancer of the esophagus joined the stomach for 2 years, he worked daily in the derby with the same enthusiasm and desire that if it the had not had, the derby was his passion grand, until point that only it lacked the last 13 days ... You will understand that I can not continue more ...
But this week still we need to put the rest of their day affairs and also to know and fully understand their tasks in this its always derby. So, we begin to work the maximun in the next week.
Thanks again for your understanding

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