Race Diablo 2014

Race Diablo – 55.000 Euro

The Iberian island with its unique features such as mountains, abrupt weather changes, and the fast winds, making this an exceptional race to race, here the pigeon can prove in speed, endurance and high strength. 


Winner of the Ruta Infierno (800 Euro)

Race Alcázar de S. Juan 265 Km.:
Rank: 300 + Trophy and Certificate
Rank: 275 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank: 225 € + Certificate

Team-Championship (6.700 Euro)

Rank: 4.000+ Trophy and Certificate
Rank: 1.800 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank: 900 € + Certificate
You only participate in the Team-Championship if you participate 5 or more pigeons in the first Race Fuego.

Wins the Team with 5 or more pigeons, that flies more prices in the last 7 races (145, 202, 255, 350, 145, 265 and 500 Km)

Ace Pigeon (DePostin) (9.000 Euro)

Rank : 5.000 € + Trophy and Certificate
Rank : 2.000 € + Trophy and Certificate
Rank : 1.000 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 600 € + Certificate
Rank : 400 € + Certificate

Wins the pigeons, which achieves the best race times in the last 4 flights (255, 350, 365 and 500 km). Case of a tie, the pigeon with a better placement in the finale wins it.

Finale Rennen Diablo (38.000 Euro)

Rank : 18.000 € + Trophy and Certificate
Rank : 7.000 € + Trophy and Certificate
Rank : 3.500 € + Trophy and Certificate
Rank : 1.750 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 1.000 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 800 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 700 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 600 € + Medal and Certificate
Rank : 500 € + Medal and Certificate
10º Rank : 400 € + Medal and Certificate
11º al 15º Rank : 300 € + Certificate
16º al 20º Rank : 250 € + Certificate  
21º al 25º Rank : 200 € + Certificate

Double and Triple (500 Euro)

Double: 250 € + Medal and Certificate
Triple: 500 € + Trophy and Certificate
The pigeon who gain double or triple times the first Rank in the races 202, 255, 350 and 520 km.