October 8, 2014

The final week

Congratulations to the pigeons, they have provided all a very good performance.

The finale on 3rd. October was a very special finale. There were visitors from Australia., Spain, Germany, and Austria.

The first pigeons arrived at 13:22 and 10 at once. All 10 pigeons deserve the utmost respect and all other who came after mostly alone. For the pigeons, but also for the participants, spectators and for us, it was a very challenging  racing season, with ups and downs.

Participants can now choose between two options an auction or activation.
You can either use the pigeon for auction, with sale proceeds of 50% to you
Activate the pigeon for the long distance 1000 km for the next year. The participation fee is 150 EUR.

Please sign up at the email derby@hijosdebombin.com

In the next few days, the auction begins on our Auction website:

Instructions on how to sign up and bidding you can find there too. Auctioned pigeons can be picked up for transportation fee on the International Pigeon Market in Kassel, Germany.

Photos from the final week, you can find on our Facebook site:

 Videos from the final week:


  Interview with Jan Pearson (Derby Cordoba Australian Agent): 

 Cordoba visit:


 Final Day: 


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